1320 Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers
By adam
Analysis of lee215’s solution
Lee already explained fairly well how to get the 1D dp. I just want to expound a little bit because there is a heavy dose of intuition that I believe is very beneficial for other problems.
One of the first things that one tries when playing with this problem is figuring out when the second finger comes into the picture. I applaud the earlier posts in assuming a special starting position for both fingers, so that there is nothing special about when it transitions from one finger to two fingers. This in my mind unifies the problem, so I don’t have to think of a one finger vs two finger system. With this unification it is always a two finger problem.
Then at each decision step, one knows the present state of the system and considers the possible transitions. The state can be represented by the location of the two fingers and the transitions correspond to choosing which of the fingers will take the next character. Since we don’t know the future characters, we have to keep an account of both possibilities. Let’s say that \(dp[a][b]\) represents the cost so far for ending with fingers at \(a\) and \(b\). Then when a new character comes, \(c\), then there are two possibilities \(dp[a][c]\) or \(dp[c][b]\). Note that we can discard all other \(dp[a][b]\)‘s for the next round of computation since one of the fingers has to be at \(c\).
Let’s just compute one more round for a new character, \(d\). In this case, we have \(dp[a][d], dp[d][c], dp[c][d], dp[d][b]\). Here we note that there \(dp[c][d]\) and the \(dp[d][c]\) are different states, but from a standpoint of the next character to be considered they are equivalent, so we keep the \(\min\) of two options. This is not done in Lee’s solution, and considerably reduces the space requirement, whereas before there was almost a doubling of the dictionary spacing with each new character.
class Solution:
def minimumDistance(self, A):
def d(a, b):
return a and abs(a / 6 - b / 6) + abs(a % 6 - b % 6)
dp, dp2 = {(0, 0): 0}, {}
for c in (ord(c) + 1 for c in A):
print([[chr(x) for x in y] for y in dp.keys()],"\n")
for a, b in dp:
dp2[c, b] = min(dp2.get((c, b), 3000), dp[a, b] + d(a, c))
dp2[a, c] = min(dp2.get((a, c), 3000), dp[a, b] + d(b, c))
if True:
dp = {}
for (a, b) in dp2.keys():
if (b, a) in dp.keys():
dp[b,a] = min(dp[b,a],dp2[a,b])
dp[a,b] = dp2[a,b]
dp2 = {}
dp, dp2 = dp2, {}
return min(dp.values())
Further simplification
In the above, one of the fingers must take \(c\). This means that there will always be \(dp[a,c]\) or \(dp[c,b]\) terms irrespective of which finger takes \(c\). And as we noted all the previous \(dp[a,b]\) are irrelevant. Also we have shown that \(dp[a,b]\) and \(dp[b,a]\) are equivalent. Therefore we can just throw away the \(c\) term and just remember that the previous character is \(c\). Thus we can further reduce this to a 1D array. Actually, since we are using a dictionary in the previous implementation, the dictionary has a max of \(26\) entries.
class Solution:
def minimumDistance(self, A):
def d(a, b):
return a and abs(a / 6 - b / 6) + abs(a % 6 - b % 6)
dp, dp2 = {0: 0}, {}
prev = 0
for c in (ord(c) + 1 for c in A):
for a in dp:
dp2[prev] = min(dp2.get(prev, 3000), dp[a] + d(a, c)) # keeping the previous
dp2[a] = min(dp2.get(a, 3000), dp[a] + d(prev, c)) # taking the previous
dp, dp2 = dp2, {}
prev = c
return min(dp.values())
Lee’s approach
Lee’s solution for the 1D is intriguing because he assumes a fixed cost, that of using just one finger, which can be found from the prefix sum of distances.
Then at each input character consider there is a possibility of using the second finger, however the second finger’s state may be one of many possible ones from previous characters.
Say the current character is \(c\), then we need to consider all possible previous second finger choices, \(p_i\), where \(i\) enumerates possible previous states for the second finger. Then the use of the second finger will result in \(d(p_i, c)\) cost, and we want to minimize this cost and accrued cost to get to \(p_i\) across all such possibilities.
def minimumDistance(self, A):
def d(a, b):
return abs(a / 6 - b / 6) + abs(a % 6 - b % 6)
A = [ord(c) - 65 for c in A]
dp = [0] * 26
for b, c in zip(A, A[1:]):
dp[b] = max(dp[a] + d(b, c) - d(a, c) for a in xrange(26))
return sum(d(b, c) for b, c in zip(A, A[1:])) - max(dp)
Instead of this cost minimization, Lee chooses to maximize the cost savings, or \(dp[p_i] - d(p_i,c)\). Since \(d(b,c)\) is constant it doesn’t factor in the maximization. In fact the careful reader will note that the savings will include the prefix sum of distances, and in effect Lee adds the prefix sum in the savings, and at the end removes the prefix sum at the end.
Why is \(dp[b]\) assigned? It is because in choosing the second finger to take character \(c\), the other finger is stuck with the previous choice \(b\). Now we can freely exchange the second finger with the previous choice and allow the first finger to always carry the current character. Perhaps a better definition of the second finger is the finger that may at any point take the current character, but upon taking it, exchanges position with the first finger.