Appscript - Sheets
By adam
Getting started
Appscript is pretty powerful and free, it is javascript with google api for manipulating things.
- Begin with a sheets document.
- Open tools/script editor
- Write in
- Rename to some
- Run with the triangle button
- Ctrl + Enter to see the Log
- Save it
Since most of the time I am operating on some selected range, you would first select on some cells before running the script.
Since most operations involve doing things with ranges, here is the range api.
Sample code
function myFunction() {
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
//var rangeList = activeSheet.getRangeList(['A1:B4', 'D1:E4']);
var selection = activeSheet.getSelection();
// Current Cell: D1
Logger.log('Current Cell: ' + selection.getCurrentCell().getA1Notation());
// Active Range: D1:E4
Logger.log('Active Range: ' + selection.getActiveRange().getA1Notation());
// Active Ranges: A1:B4, D1:E4
var ranges = selection.getActiveRangeList().getRanges();
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
Logger.log('Active Ranges: ' + ranges[i].getA1Notation());
Logger.log('Active Sheet: ' + selection.getActiveSheet().getName());
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
source = ss.getActiveSheet(),
sheetName = source.getName(),
data = source.getDataRange().getValues();
var range = source.getActiveRange(),
startRow = range.getRowIndex(),
startCol = range.getColumnIndex(),
numRows = range.getNumRows(),
numCols = range.getNumColumns()
var values = range.getValues()
var sBG = source.getDataRange().getBackgrounds();
var sFC = source.getDataRange().getFontColors();
var sFF = source.getDataRange().getFontFamilies();
var sFL = source.getDataRange().getFontLines();
var sFFa = source.getDataRange().getFontFamilies();
var sFSz = source.getDataRange().getFontSizes();
var sFSt = source.getDataRange().getFontStyles();
var sFW = source.getDataRange().getFontWeights();
var sHA = source.getDataRange().getHorizontalAlignments();
var sVA = source.getDataRange().getVerticalAlignments();
var sNF = source.getDataRange().getNumberFormats();
var sWR = source.getDataRange().getWraps();
//var dest = source.getRange(startRow,3,numRows,numCols)
for(var arow=0;arow<numRows;arow++){
var offCol = startCol+numCols+1
var src = source.getRange(startRow+arow,startCol,1,numCols)
var dest = source.getRange(startRow,offCol+numCols*arow,1,numCols)
Code walk through
The idea is to select a rectangular region and compress it into a single row. The logic is very simple. I don’t delete the original region just so that it is still something manual that I have to do.
The range.copyTo
function is useful because it also copies the format. I
leave the selection on the newly created row because it makes it easier to move
into its eventual destination.
The use case for this is the myriad of confirmation that I get while paying bills I like to keep it all centrallized in a spreadsheet, but while copying and pasting from some website, the format usually spans multiple rows and columns and I would like to compress all the information into a single column.