Starting hugo from scratch
By adam
deploying hugo to
There are a number of ways of doing this. Since I like to keep a separate branch for the deployment, I opted for the option below. Another option would be use a docs directory and add to config.toml a line with publishDir = “docs”. This would also work, and you then just need to work on master branch.
This method of maintaining a separate branch is made easier with a worktree that directly writes to a public folder in gh-pages from the master branch. But it requires going to the public folder for staging and committing.
# initializing a repository
rm -rf dlbook-ig/ # starting from scratch
hugo new site dlbook-ig # hugo needs an empty directory, so do hugo first then git init
cd dlbook-ig/
git init # starting a local repo
git add . # add all files (only arch.. and config.toml)
git commit -m"Init"
hub create -d "Reading of Deep Learning book" # use hub to create a repo in github
git push origin master
# Setting up gh-pages branch
git checkout --orphan gh-pages # begin a new branch
git reset --hard # remove everything
: # adding themes/ananke in master makes this difficult
: # therefore create gh-pages branch
git commit --allow-empty -m"Init" # commit it
git push origin gh-pages # note hugo says push upstream but since this is your
: # own remote repo, seems like origin should be used
# Setting up the public directory to point to gh-pages
git checkout master
git worktree add -B gh-pages public origin/gh-pages
echo "public" >> .gitignore # static pages will be part of a git worktree
git add .gitignore
git commit -m"ignore public"
# adding some content
git submodule add themes/ananke
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
hugo new posts/
vim content/posts/ # change draft = false
hugo server -D # check w local server
vim config.toml # here add baseURL = ""
hugo -D # generate the public directory
git status
git add .
git commit -m"config and first"
git push origin master
# deploy to gh-pages
cd public/
git status
git add .
git commit -m"test"
git push
some helpers
if [ "`git status -s`" ]
echo "The working directory is dirty. Please commit any pending changes."
exit 1;
echo "Deleting old publication"
rm -rf public
mkdir public
git worktree prune
rm -rf .git/worktrees/public/
echo "Checking out gh-pages branch into public"
git worktree add -B gh-pages public origin/gh-pages
echo "Removing existing files"
rm -rf public/*
echo "Generating site"
.PHONY: server deploy
xdg-open "http://localhost:1313/dlbook-ig/"
hugo server -D
git add -A
git commit -m"Adding content"
git push
ignore modifications to theme
[submodule "themes/ananke"]
path = themes/ananke
url =
ignore = dirty
some more speciallized additions to config.toml
baseURL = ""
# relativeURLs = true
# uglyURLs = true
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
theme = "ananke"
pygmentsCodeFences = true
# pygmentsUseClasses = true
# pygmentsUseClassic = false
canonifyURLs = true
SectionPagesMenu = "main"