Discord: creating a bot
By adam
Creating a bot on discord
While there are some samples in The API is fairly flat and hard to navigate.
Here are the links to getting started:
Understanding the context
The Context (ctx) is often the first argument in the functions from @bot.command. This ctx contains most of the things needed to identify the message triggering the robot to respond (ctx fields):
- guild - on which server the robot was triggered
- message - the message of the command
- author - the author of the message
- send() - a function that allows the robot to respond back as a response to the trigger
From this it is obvious you need some other way of getting at the channel where the message was sent. Fortunately many of the things you need are actually included in ctx.message.
In particular, points to the originating channel.
But if you wanted to get a list of all the channels in the server you would be looking at them in ctx.guild.channels, and you could also get all the members of the server with ctx.guild.members, or if looking for a particular user use ctx.guild.get_member_named(), which allows you to find by name or name#discriminator where the discriminator is a 4 digit number.
It is possible to create webhooks from a particular channel, this webhook is essential in that it allows a send() inclusing a username and avatar_url. This comes in handy when moving a message from one channel to another channel.
Given a messageId, it is possible to fetch a message in a particular channel. There are a few fields that are particularly useful:
- content
- author
- embeds
- attachments
- created_at
- edited_at
The string in the message content that signifies a mention has the following format:
This can be compared with the usual tag which is
Note that author.mention doesn’t contain the exclamation mark.
The avatars are stored in a cdn and can be obtained from author.avatar_url
Python types
Union and Optional type hints.
full implementation
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import random
description = """An example bot"""
bot=commands.Bot(command_prefix='?', description=description)
async def on_ready():
print("We have logged in as {} {}".format(bot.user))
async def roll(ctx, dice: str):
rolls, limit = map(int, dice.split('d'))
except Exception:
await ctx.send('Format has to be in NdN!')
result = ", ".join(str(random.randint(1,limit)) for r in range(rolls))
await ctx.send(result)
async def mv(ctx, messageId, toChannelName, *kargs):
# Transform some of the kargs
opts = dict()
for x in kargs:
if x.find('=') != -1:
k,v = x.split('=')
opts[k] = v
# get the channel from where the message originated
", Channel:",,
", Command: mv")
# fromChannel
fromChannel =
# finds the destination channel and gets a webhook
tChan = [x for x in ctx.guild.channels if == toChannelName]
if len(tChan) == 0: return
toChannel = tChan[0]
wbs = await toChannel.webhooks()
if len(wbs) < 1:
wb = await toChannel.create_webhook(name='Move message')
wb = wbs[0]
# gets the original message
message = await fromChannel.fetch_message(messageId)
print("Moving message...")
print("Author: {} {0.discriminator} {} {0.mention} {0.avatar_url}".format(
print("Embeds:", message.embeds)
print("Attachments:", message.attachments)
print("Content:", message.content)
# Used to assign a different author using the from= option
author =
if 'from' in opts:
fauthor = ctx.guild.get_member_named(opts['from'])
if fauthor is not None:
print("Setting author to {}.".format(fauthor))
author = fauthor
# Create a header for message being moved
mention = "From <@!{}>, ".format(
if message.edited_at:
msgtime = "edited at {}.\n\n".format(message.edited_at)
msgtime = "created at {}.\n\n".format(message.created_at)
tag = "{}#{0.discriminator}".format(author)
# Sending to other channel
await wb.send(content=mention+msgtime+message.content,