Google File System
By adam
5.1 High Availability
Chunk Replication
- RF of 3
- master clones existing replicas when chunkservers go offline or detect corrupted replicas
Master Replication
- operation log and checkpoints replicas
- “shadow” masters provide read-only access
- file metadata like directory contest could be stale
- reads replica information from logs
- pools from chunkservers to locate chunk replicas
- depends on primary for decisions to create and delete replicas
5.2 Data Integrity
- impractical to very replica data between replicas
- use 32bit checksum on 64KB blocks
- stored persistently with logging and separate from user data
- in reads:
- chunkserver verifies the checksum before returning data
- client reads from another replica
- master creates a different replica and delete the corrupted one
- in appends:
- incrementally update the checksum for last partial checksum blocks
- even if last partial checksum is corrupted, new checksum value will not match stored data and corruption will be detected
- in writes:
- if write overwrites an existing range on the chunk, need to verify the first and last blocks of the range being overwritten
- calculate new checksums based from previous checksum so that corruption of unchanged areas will be detected
6 Measurements
- 1 master, two master replicas, 16 chunkservers, and 16 clients
6.1.1 Reads
- random 4MB read from 320 GB file set
- chunkservers only have 32 GB of memory, expect at most 10% hit rate
- theoretical limit 125MB/s with 1Gbps link becomes saturated
- 12.5 MB/s per client when 100Mbps network interface gets saturated
- observed 10MB/s when one client reading
- aggregate read 94 MB/s for 16 readers
6.1.2 Writes
- 1GB of data in 1MB writes
- Limits at 67 MB/s because need to write each byte to 3 of the 16 chunkservers each with a 12.5 MB/s input
- write rate for one client is 6.3MB/s - delays in propagating data to replicas
- aggregate 35MB/s for 16 clients, multiple clients writing concurrently to same chunkservers
6.1.3 Appends
- limited by BW of the chunkservers storing the last chunk of the file
6.2.4 Master Load
- 200-500 ops/s
- master bottlenecs scanning through large directories looking for particular files, change to binary seraches through namespace
6.2.5 Recovery time
- experiment: kill chunkserver with 15,000 chunks 600GB of data
- what does 91 concurrent clonings mean?
6.3.2 Chuckserver Workload
- small reads <64KB from seek-intensive clients
- large reads >512KB from long sequential reads
- small writes for clients that checkpoint or sync more often
- large writes for clients that do more buffering
6.3.3 Appends vs Writes
- 100x more appends than writes
- mutations are mostly appends and not overwriting
6.3.4 Master Workload
- FindLocation - request for chunk locations (for reads)
- FindLeaseLocker - lease holder information (for mutations)
7 Experiences
RW lock
lock blocked network thread while disk threads were paging in previously mapped data, solution let threads read from a copy so that network thread is not blocked
design space
- common failures
- optimize for huge files
- most append only and sequential reads
fault tolerance
- constant monitoring
- checksum to detect data corruption
- replicating crucial data
- chuck replication
- fast and automatic recovery
- online repair system compensates for lost resplicas asap
high throughput
- separate file system control from data transfer
- file system control handled by master
- data transfer handled by chunkservers
- master involvement is minimized
- large chunk size
- chunk leases - delegates authority to primary replicas