Tree Depth - USACO Platimum Dec19
By adam
This is a commentary on the solution from Benjamin Qi.
from permutation to tree generation
Before we go into the solution of this problem it is good to be able to understand how to create a tree using a permutation.
First how does a permutation \(a\) translate into a tree? Think of \(a[i]\) as the time in which node \(i\) is inserted to the tree. We’ll use the following \(a=42315\) for illustration. Assume \(1\) indexing to refer to both the index in \(a\) and also the node number.
Then since \(a[4] = 1\) then node \(4\) is inserted first, becoming the root. This divides the tree into two parts (it is a BST). Since there is only one more node to the right of node \(4\) we will just add node \(5\) as a right child of node \(4\).
For the left subtree, again we find the next smaller index, in this case \(a[2]\), this means that node \(2\) will be the left child of node \(4\). Since there are only two remaining nodes on the either side of node \(2\), nodes \(1\) and \(3\) will be on both left and right braches from node \(2\) respectively.
from permutation \(a\) to depth of nodes
Let’s take node \(3\) in the example above. Node \(3\) is at a depth of \(3\) (note the depth of root is \(1\) according to the problem). Looking to the left of node \(3\), only node \(2\) can be a possible ancestor of node \(3\), since node \(2\) comes before node \(3\) (\(a[2] < a[3]\)). One can make a similar argument to the right of \(3\), node \(4\) can be an ancestor of \(3\), since \(a[4] < a[3]\). Since node \(3\) is a descendant of two nodes \(2\) and \(4\) its depth must be \(3\). One might argue that it is possible that node \(2\) lies on one branch of node \(4\) and node \(3\) lies in another branch of node \(4\). This is not possible because both nodes \(2\) and \(3\) lie on the same subtree since they both come after node \(4\) and lie to the same side of node \(4\).
Note the independence of left and right sides from the previous statement, it doesn’t matter whether node \(2\) is below or above node \(4\) from \(3\)‘s perspective, it only needs to know how many ancestors are above it. This will come in handy later.
Node \(3\) was kind of obvious, we look to the left and right and found two nodes that were ancestors to it. If we examine node \(1\) it is a little bit more tricky. If you apply the same logic as before, nodes \(2,3,4\) all have \(a[2 .. 4] < a[1]\) they all could be potential ancestors for \(1\). If you think of them in order, however, you will note the following. For \(a[4]\), it is clear that it is the root, everything to its right is irrelevant to \(1\). For \(3\) it is not clear whether it is an ancestor of \(1\). Node \(1\) could potentially lie on \(3\)‘s left branch from its positioning, unless there is a node between \(3\) and \(1\) that separates them into separate branches. Indeed there is such a node: \(2\). Node \(2\) comes before \(3\) and therefore separates \(1\) from \(3\) into different subtrees. In fact when examining node \(3\) we just have to find a node \(j\) between \(1\) and \(3\) such that \(a[j] < a[3]\). To simplify further, we need to look for the minimum node \(j\) between \(1\) and \(3\) to separate the two sides, potentially discarding further possibilities.
So in general when we look for the possible ancestors of a particular node \(i\), when considering a node \(j < i\) as a potential candidate, we only need to find the some minimum between \(a[j .. i]\) to determine if node \(j\) could be a potential ancestor. This is symmetric for a point \(j\) to the right of \(i\).
Thus one comes to the following formula in the solution:
\[ d_i(a)=1+\sum_{1\le j<i}(a[j] == \min(a[j\ldots i]))+\sum_{i<j\le n}(a[j] == \min(a[i\ldots j])). \]
The first \(1\) on the RHS, denotes the default depth of the root, then the first sum denotes the elements to the left of node \(i\) and the second sum denotes the elements to the right of node \(i\). It would have been a little bit clearer to add an indicator function in front of the condition.
\[ d_i(a)=1+\sum_{1\le j<i}\mathbf{1}(a[j] == \min(a[j\ldots i]))+\sum_{i<j\le n}\mathbf{1}(a[j] == \min(a[i\ldots j])). \]
independence property
We have already alluded that \(\min(a[j\ldots i])\) and \(\min(a[i\ldots j])\) count independently from one another. This means that there might be an single permutation that contains both a left and right ancestor for node \(i\). These two need to be counted twice, even though they come from the same permutation. In other words, we are free to sum up allowable permutations for left independently from the allowable permutations for the right, even if they originate from the same permutation (i.e. because of independence there is no overcounting).
On the other hand we have to be careful about counting \(\min(a[j\dots i])\) (and by symmetry on the other side) points that lie on the same side. Suppose there are two points \(j’\) and \(j\) where \(j’ < j\), that is, \(j’\) is to the left of \(j\). Since \(a[j’]\) is a minimum from \(j’\) to \(i\), we cannot count permutations that include \(j\) as the mininum. On the other hand if \(a[j]\) is the minimum from \(j\) to \(i\), then it does not matter whether \(j’\) is a minimum, why? If \(a[j’] < a[j]\) then those permutations would have been counted when considering \(a[j’]\) and they count separately from the contributions of node \(j\). If \(a[j’] > a[j]\) then node \(j’\) would not been a potential ancestor. Thus one can see that “outer” ancestors must exclude the possibility of smaller “inner” ancestors, since by definition the “outer” ancestor comes earlier than any other “inner” ancestor. By exclusion I only mean that we cannot count permutations that allow \(a[j]<a[j’]\) when considering node \(j’\) as a possible ancestor of node \(i\). Of course when considering node \(j\) as a possible ancestor we are free to include permutations unconstrained by the value of \(a[j’]\).
generating functions to count inversions
With the independence property, we can now independently consider contributions of depth to a particular node, say node \(i\). For a particular node \(i\) we will also consider a particular node \(j\) that is a potential ancestor and tabulate how many permutations have node \(j\) as \(i\)‘s ancestor. We are free to tabulate all these permutations as long as they follow two rules.
One, the total number of inversions has to be \(k\) and two, for these permutations there are no node smaller than \(a[j]\) for nodes in \(i\ldots j\).
We can count the number of permutations available by counting the possible inversions at each index. For example at index \(i\) there is only one possible inversion, namely \(0\), since this is a reference point. For \(i+1\), there are two possible inversions, \(a[i]\) and \(a[i+1]\) are either in order or not. For \(i+2\) there are three possible inversions, and so on. Each of these possibilities can be captured by a generating function, and the combined convolution of these possibilities can be captured as the product of the individual sums as \((x^0)(x^0+x^1)(x^0+x^1+x^2)\cdots(x^0+x^1+\ldots+x^{j-1})\). At \(j\), we know that the \(a[j] == min(a[i\ldots j])\) therefore there is only one possibility for the \(j\) term, \(j\) inversions or \(x^j\). For the \(j+1\) term, it is allowed to have any number of inversions, since there is no restriction on its value. If \(a[j+1]\) is smaller than \(a[j]\) then this scenario will be counted when setting \(j\) to this number, and as we mentioned before the permutations of this “outer” ancestor does not preclude the counting of “inner” ancestors. This continues until \(a[j + (n-j)]\) for which there are \(0\) to \(n-i+1\) inversions possible.
Next we continue counting on the left side of \(a[i]\), for \(a[i-1]\). This doesn’t have any restrictions and therefore we can consider inversions from \(i-1\) to \(n\), with a possibility of \(0\) to \(n-i+2\) inversions. Note that this way of enumerating inversions by looking at only possibilities to the right of the number ensures that no inversion is missed, or overcounted. We continue in this fashion until \(a[i-(i-1)]\) which can have \(0\) to \(n-1\) inversions.
Thus the accounting of all possible number of permutations for each number of inversions is captured in the coefficient of the \(x^k\) term of the polynomial. The effect of the \(j\) th term can be separated by multiplying by
\[ \frac{x^0 + x^1 + \ldots + x^{j-i}}{x^0 + x^1 + \ldots + x^{j-i}} \]
Thus arriving at
\[ \prod_{t=1}^{n}\left(\sum_{u=0}^{t-1}x^u\right)\cdot \frac{1}{\sum_{u=0}^{j-i}x^u}\cdot x^{j-i}. \]
convolution with rectangles
The multiplication of polynomials is accomplished by successively convolving the coefficients of each polynomial in turn.
void ad(vmi& a, int b) { // multiply by (x^0+x^1+...+x^{b-1})
R0F(i,sz(a)-b) a[i+b] -= a[i];
FOR(i,1,sz(a)) a[i] += a[i-1];
The easiest way to to think about this convolution is as a sliding window of length \(b\). As in a sliding window, it is easier to keep a running sum, and when sliding the window remove one item from the back and insert a new element at the front. The only thing that this does differently is removing elements prior to computing the running sum.
Another way to think about a convolution with a rectangle is a convolution with a superposition of step functions.
\[ {\displaystyle \Pi\left({\frac {t-X}{Y}}\right)=u(t-(X-Y/2))-u(t-(X+Y/2))} \]
Further if we recognize the step function as the integral of a delta function:
\[ {\displaystyle H(x):=\int _{-\infty }^{x}{\delta (s)}\ ds} \]
Then we can first convolve with the delta function followed by an integral.
f * \Pi((x-b/2)/b) &= f * (H(x) - H(x-b)) \\\
&= \int_{-\infty}^{x} f * (\delta(s) - \delta(s-b))\ ds\\\
&= \int f(s) - f(s-b)\ ds
Thus the function in the code shifts \(a[]\) by \(b\) adds it to \(a[]\) and then calculates a prefix sum.
void sub(vmi& a, int b) {
ROF(i,1,sz(a)) a[i] -= a[i-1];
F0R(i,sz(a)-b) a[i+b] += a[i];
The sub
function does the exact opposite, it differentiates \(a[]\) then adds
back a shifted amount back. This corresponds to dividing by the polynomial
\((x^0 + \ldots + x^{j-i})\)
left and right
int main() {
cin >> n >> k >> MOD;
vmi v = {1}; FOR(i,1,n+1) ad(v,i);
vmi ans(n,v[k]);
FOR(dif,1,n) {
mi x = get(v,k-dif), y = get(v,k);
F0R(a,n-dif) {
ans[a] += x;
ans[a+dif] += y;
F0R(i,n) cout << ans[i].val << ' ';
The first \(~ad\) basically sets up the generation for all permutations of a particular number of inversions, stored as the coefficients of each term in the resulting polynomial.
Then we populate the answer with all the permutations with \(k\) inversions. This
corresponds to adding the \(1\) in \(d_i(a)\). Then we remove a set of permutations
containing \(0\) to \(|j-i|\) inversions. x
corresponds \(j>i\) for which we
need to take into account the inversions for the \(j\) th element. And y
correponds \(j<i\) for which there are no inversions caused by element \(j\).
These two steps can be thought as adding the right most two terms in \(d_i(a)\).
However, for a particular \(i\) this is not done at the same time, but eventually
all \(|j-i|\) are considered in the innermost for loop.
Credits, thanks Benjamin, Anup, and Santosh.